Millwater Central opens

  • Sunday, March 01, 2015

Cnr Millwater Parkway and Bankside Road (Eastern end)

Situated at the heart of this rapidly expanding neighbourhood, Millwater Central has become the focal point for this thriving community.

Opposite Silverdale Primary and the new Millwater Park and Sports Grounds, Millwater Central is made up from a mix of retail shops and professional services, including the staple convenience store and bakery, cafe, pet store and veterinary clinic. Two real estate agents, a pharmacy, doctors surgery and gymnasium are also tenants.

Millwater Central is also the new base for WFH, the developers behind the ever popular Millwater residential development.

The local shopping centre was planned, designed and built by experts in the retail and residential development sector, Broadway Property Group. Responsible for similar projects throughout Auckland such as Botany Junction, Broadway have created a well designed and vital addition to the Millwater community.

Broadway are also creating the neighbouring high quality low maintenance residential development, Millwater Central Terraces. More to come about these homes soon.